Art Contract
I need to clarify a few very important points about my art project. A characteristic element of my work is the non-credit/signature for the production of evidences* of my life. It means that nobody signs the work I produce. That implies that no organization/individual or any of its sponsors can use their corporate logos** when any of my concepts and/or images are exhibited, including lectures, since this would be a breach of the concept of the work.
Thus, if any organization/individual/space, or any of their sponsors, were to use their corporate logos in association with the registers of my life, it would imply that this organization/individual/space is the author of these registers, receiving credit for its production.
Therefore an organization/individual/space, or any of their sponsors, can make my data available exclusively for cultural purposes in the media and the press, providing no individual or organization uses their corporate logos or any of their sponsor's corporate logos to do so. At the same time, the media and press cannot use their corporate logos or any of their sponsor’s corporate logos when promoting my work for the reasons stated above.
An organization/individual/space, or any of their sponsors, can make the details of my biography and curriculum available for catalogs and text information for exhibition pieces, providing that these catalogs and entries do not contain their corporate logos or any of their sponsor’s corporate logos.
My artistic production can be made available on the internet for the promotion of an event and/or an exhibition, providing no corporate logos or any sponsor’s corporate logos are used to do so.
Finally my work can be exhibited publicly providing the corporate logos of the organization/individual/space or any of their sponsor’s corporate logos is not present in the exhibition, printed material, electronic forms, or any other medium, as well as on the facade of the space.
Further, I would like to emphasize that my work is always distributed freely. I do not sell my registers and the evidence of my daily movements and, since 1994, I refuse to present my work where fees are charged. The work also cannot be exhibited in spaces that aim towards the commercialization of the concepts/objects presented.
This work can be freely reproduced and adapted, even without mentioning the source, providing no profit is earned or corporate image promoted from doing so.
The Impossible Artist
* Evidences/registers of my life: concepts, maps, found objects, collage, videos, photos, letters, performances, etc.
** Corporate Logos: corresponds to a set of characteristics, values and beliefs that a capitalist group identifies itself with. A corporate logo incorporates the company's personality, its global identity and culture.
The Art Contract was in effect from 2001 to 2016.